2023 General Assembly

The CLand 2023 General Assembly will be held on September 19th 2023 in Palaiseau.
This annual meeting is the occasion to review the advancement of the project and to gather everyone involved in the CLand project.
Please see below the presentations made by our keynote speakers during the General Assembly
Overview of the CLand Convergence Institute
Philippe CIAIS
(CLand Coordiantor, LSCE)
CLand challenge 1 - Results and projections
B. Guenet(ENS) & Raia Silvia Massad (ECOSYS)
CLand challenge 2 - Results and projections
D. Makowski (INRAE) & F. Accatino (INRAE) & N. Delpierre
CLand challenge 3 - Results and projections
Raja Chakir (INRAE) & Thierry Brunelle (CIRAD)
Environmental Sustainability of Global Food Production and Trade
Carole Dalin (ENS)
Synthesising results of meta-analyses to inform policy with fast-track methods
David Makowski (CLand Senior Researcher at MIA, INRAE)
Agricultural land abandonment and soil carbon sequestration in Europe: comparing field chronosequence data with model simulations
Daniel Goal(CLand Researcher at LSCE) & Stephen Bell
Climate Impacts of land use change : How well are they represented in ORCHIDEE ?
Ronny Lauerwald& Thi Lan Anh Dinh
Agenda of the 7th CLand General Assembly :
9 AM |
Welcome coffee |
9.30 AM |
Overview of the CLand Convergence Institute (P. Ciais, LSCE) |
10 AM Chair : R. CHAKIR |
Challenge 1 - including CCPs
10.20 AM Chair : R. CHAKIR |
Challenge 2 - including CCPs
10.40 AM |
Break |
11.10 AM Chair : P.CIAIS |
Challenge 3 - including CCPs
11.30 AM Chair : P.CIAIS |
Carole Dalin, ENS - Environmental Sustainability of Global Food Production and Trade (20 min prez + 10 min Q&A) |
12 PM Chair : P.CIAIS |
Joao Pedro Domingues, ECOSYS - Navigating trough the global land and food systems (20 min prez + 10 min Q&A) |
12.30 PM |
Lunch Break |
2 PM Chair : B.GUENET |
David Makowski, INRAE - Synthesising results of meta-analyses to inform policy with fast-track methods (20 min prez + 10 min Q&A) |
2.30 PM Chair : B.GUENET |
Thomas Nesme, INRAE - Organic farming and nutrient cycling : a global perspective (20 min prez + 10 min Q&A) |
3 PM Chair : B.GUENET |
Stephen Bell, LSCE / D.Goll, LSCE - Agricultural land abandonment and soil carbon sequestration in Europe: comparing field chronosequence data with model simulations (ORCHIDEE-CNP) (10 min prez + 5 min Q&A) T.L.A. Dinh, INRAE / R. Lauerwald, INRAE - Climate impacts of land use change: How well are they represented in ORCHIDEE? (10 min prez + 5 min Q&A) |
3.30 PM |
Break |
4 PM Chair : T.BRUNELLE |
Mélanie Gittard, PSAE - Irrigation, land use and agricultural productivity in South Africa (15 min prez + 5 min Q&A) Edouard Pignède, PSAE - Who carries the burden of climate change? Heterogeneous impact of droughts in Sub-Saharan Africa (15 min prez + 5 min Q&A) Charles Regnacq, PSAE - Rainwater shocks and growth: Insights from water economics (15 min prez + 5 min Q&A) |
5 PM |
Open discussion |
5.30 PM |
End of the CLand General Assembly |
2022 General Assembly

The CLand 2022 General Assembly was held on November 7th 2022 in Paris.
This annual meeting was the occasion to review the advancement of the project, in particular its second phase.
Please see below the presentations made by our keynote speakers during the General Assembly.
Adaptation strategies strongly reduce the future
impact of climate change on crop yields
(CLand Senior Researcher at MIA, INRAE)
Structure and resilience of global food trade networks
(Senior Researcher at IPHT, CEA)
Soy bean international trade and imported deforestation
(CLand PhD at PSAE, INRAE)
Global critical soil moisture threshold of plant water stress
Zheng FU
(Researcher at LSCE)
Carbon in continental ecosystems: levers and pathways for carbon neutrality
Pierre BARRE
(Researcher at ENS)
2021 General Assembly
The 2021 General Assembly was held remotly on September 16th 2021.
This annual meeting was the occasion to review the advancement of the project, but also to map out its second phase.
2020 General Assembly
The 2020 General Assembly was held on November 10th 2020 by visioconference.
Agenda of the 4th CLand General Assembly :
- Overview and progress of the Project (P. Ciais & J. Bazire)
- Presentation of the results and projections of the 3 CLand challenges (B. Gabrielle, D. Makowski, T. Brunelle)
- Flagship project presentation of a young CLand researcher for each CLAND challenge
- Presentation of the results and projections of the CLand Graduate Programme (E. Personne)
- Workshop presentation: Machine learning for the study of climate and its impact (R. Abramoff)
- Workshop presentation: Albedo and climate change (R. Cardinael)
- Mini-project: Strategic watch on the impact of Covid-19 on the prices of raw
materials and food products (D. Makowski) - CLand Science Advisory Board recommendations, strategy of implementation & growth (P. Ciais)
2019 General Assembly
The 2019 General Assembly was held on October 1st 2019 at FIAP premises (Paris 5th arr.).
The assembly started with a presentation by Nathalie De Noblet on the latest IPCC special report on land on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. The first results from the three flagship projects were then presented before two parallel sessions on land-based mitigation options and machine learning.
2018 General Assembly
The 2018 General Assembly was held on 27 September at the Sorbonne Université (Paris).