Workshop on Nature-based solutions
February 2-3, 2021

Students from the Master 2 CLUES, “Climate Land Use and Ecosystem Services” at University Paris-Saclay, spent some time working on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and their consequences on sustainable development issues such as climate, biodiversity, land degradation food security and human health (see figure below).
They worked in groups of 3 students, each group addressing a specific NBS: urban greening, increasing plant cover to reduce erosion, reforestation and afforestation to mitigate climate change, or large-scale fire management. The groups were given the following two objectives:
- Develop a scientific argument on the relevance of their specific nature-based solution for the various targets (highlighted in the above figure), on the potential co-benefits and adverse impacts.
- The formulation of a research question and the development of a proposal to bring answers to this question.
This workshop, organized by the CLand Convergence Institute and AgroParisTech, was the final step in their work. They have produced a written report prior to the workshop and they presented their conclusions during the workshop.
For each theme, a three-stroke waltz with about 40mns per stroke: students report on their work; an invited keynote speaker digs further into the questions; finally a discussion takes place between the students and the invited speaker, orchestrated by a moderator taken from the teaching community.
Find all the workshop presentations below
Please note that the videos and presentations available here are protected by a CC-BY-SA license.
This means you may not use the material for commercial purposes and must give appropriate credit.
More information
Nature-based Solutions origins: the concept and its use
Increasing tree cover to mitigate climate change
Report from students [Anushka GOEL, Thibault GENISSEL, Anne-Ultélie POINCON]
Human-centric Nature-based solution: example from the field.
The experience of the 5 deltas collective on mangroves (West-Africa);
the Resilience of cocoa sector and landscape restoration through agroforestry in Togo.
PME Kinomé (Nicolas METRO, Yohann FARE, Damien KUHN)
Greening cities to mitigate warming
Report from students [Victoria ACKER, Marin CHAVEYRIAT, Julie DARRE]
Modélisation de l'adaptation urbaine : vers une approche de plus en plus écosystémique
Cécile DE MUNCK (Météo-France)
Healthy ecosystems for healthy people
Increasing plant cover to reduce erosion
Report from students [Ezzedine ABBESSI, Camille ABADIE, Inès Astrid TOUGMA]
Investigating the impact of mitigation measures to limit soil erosion
and sediment export from contrasted agricultural catchments
Fire management
Report from students [Pedro Herig COMBRA, Bathilde HUGUES, Thomas STARCK]
Le redéploiement pastoral dans les Alpilles : solutions fondées
sur la Nature en lien avec les incendies de forêt
Jean-Michel PIRASTRU, Chargé de mission conservation des
espèces et des habitats naturels sensibles