Title (DOI link) |
Authors |
Journal |
2017 |
Aligning agriculture and climate policy
Chabbi A., Lehmann J., Ciais P., et al. 2017. |
Nature Clim. Change 7, 307-309. |
Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates |
Zhao C., Liu B., Piao S.L., Wang X.H., Lobell D.B., Huang Y. et al., 2017. |
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 114, 9326-9331. |
Frieler K., Lange S., Piontek F., Reyer C.P.O., Schewe J., et al., 2017. |
Geosci. Model Dev. 10, 4321-4345. |
2018 |
Satellite passive microwaves reveal recent climate-induced carbon losses in African drylands |
Brandt M., Wigneron J.P., Chave J., Tagesson T., Penuelas J., Ciais P., et al., 2018. |
Nature Ecol. Evol. 2, 827-835. |
Yin Y., Ciais P., Chevallier F., Li W., Bastos A., Piao S.L., Wang T., Liu H.Y., 2018. |
Geophys. Res. Lett. 45, 4371-4380. |
Causes and implications of the unforeseen 2016 extreme yield loss in the breadbasket of France |
Ben-Ari T., Boe J., Ciais P., Lecerf R., Van der Velde M., Makowski D., 2018. |
Nature Comm. 9, 1627. |
Coupling of ecosystem-scale plant water storage and leaf phenology observed by satellite |
Tian F., Wigneron J.P., Ciais P., Chave J., Ogée J., Penuelas J., et al., 2018. |
Nature Ecol. Evol. 2, 1428-1435. |
Albert I., Makowski D., 2018. |
Res. Synth. Meth. 10, 343-359. |
Yield trends, variability and stagnation analysis of major crops in France over more than a century |
Schauberger B., Ben-Ari T., Makowski D., Kato T., Kato H., Ciais P., 2018. |
Scient. Rep. 8, 16865. |
The Crucial Role of International Trade in Adaptation to Climate Change | Gouel, C., Laborde, D., 2018. | (Working Paper No. 25221), Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research. |
2019 |
Plant trait variation along environmental indicators to infer global change impacts |
Dalle Fratte M., Brusa G., Pierce S., Zanzottera M., Cerabolini B.E.L., 2019. |
Flora 254, 113-121. |
Global nitrous oxide emissions from pasturelands and rangelands: magnitude, spatiotemporal patterns, and attribution | Dangal S.R.S., Tian H.Q., Xu R.T., Chang J.F., Canadell J.G., Ciais P., Pan S.F., Yang J., Zhang B.W., 2019. | Global Biogeochem. Cycles 33, 200-222. |
China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management |
Chen C., Park T., Wang X.H., Piao S.L., Xu B.D., Chaturvedi R.K., Fuchs R., Brovkin V., Ciais P., Fensholt R., Tommervik H., Bala G., Zhu Z.C., Nemani R.R., Myneni R.B., 2019. |
Nature Sustain. 2, 122-129. |
Air temperature optima of vegetation productivity across global biomes |
Huang M.T., Piao S.L., Ciais P., Penuelas J., et al., 2019. |
Nature Ecol. Evol. 3, 772-779. |
Five decades of northern land carbon uptake revealed by the interhemispheric CO2 gradient |
Ciais P., Tan J., Wang X., Roedenbeck C., Chevallier F., Piao S.L., Moriarty R., Broquet G., Le Quéré C., Canadell J.G., Peng S., Poulter B., Liu Z., Tans P., 2019. |
Nature 568, 221-225. |
A dataset of meta-analyses on crop diversification at the global scale |
Beillouin D., Ben-Ari T., Makowski D., 2019. |
Data in Brief, Vol. 24, 103898. |
Data-driven estimates of global nitrous oxide emissions from croplands |
Wang Q., Zhou F., Shang Z., Ciais P., Winiwarter W., Jackson B.R., Tubellio N.F., Janssen-Maenhout G., Tian H., Cui X., Canadell G.J., Piao S., Piao S., Tao S., 2019. |
National Science Review, Vol. 7 Issue 2. |
Fan L., Wigneron J.P., Ciais P. Chave J., Brandt M., Fensholt R., et al., 2019. |
Nature Plants 5, 944-951. |
Benchmark estimates for aboveground litterfall data derived from ecosystem models |
Li S.H., Yuan W.P., Ciais P., Viovy N., Ito A., Jia B.R., Zhu D., 2019. |
Environ. Res. Lett. 14, 084020. |
Vegetation structural change since 1981 significantly enhanced the terrestrial carbon sink |
Chen J.M., Ju W.M., Ciais P., Viovy N., Liu R.G., Liu Y., Lu X.H., 2019. |
Nature Comm. 10, 4259. |
A reversal in global terrestrial stilling and its implications for wind energy production |
Zeng Z.Z., Ziegler A.D., Searchinger T., Yang I., Chen A.P., Ju K.L., Piao S.L., Li L.Z.X., Ciais P., Chen D.L., Liu J.G., Azorin-Molina C., Chappell A., Medvigy D., Wood E.F., 2019. |
Nature Clim. Change 9, 979-985. |
Evidence map of crop diversification strategies at the global scale |
Bellouin D., Ban-Ari T., Makowski D., 2019. |
Environ. Res. Lett. 14, 123001. |
2020 |
Piao S.L., Wang X., Park T., Chen C., Lian X., He Y., Bjerke J.W., Chen A., Ciais P., Tommervik H., Nemani R.R., Myneni B., 2020. | Nature Rev. Earth Env. 1, 14-27. | |
Anthropogenic global shifts in biospheric N and P concentrations and ratios and their impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem productivity, food security, and human health | Penuelas J., Janssens A. I., Ciais P., Obersteiner M., Sardans J., 2021. | Global Change Biology |
Huang Y., Ciais P., Santoro M., Makowski D., Chave J., Schepaschenko D., Abramoff R., Goll S. D., Yang H., Chen Y., Wei W., Piao S., 2020. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Improvement of the irrigation scheme in the ORCHIDEE land surface model and impacts of irrigation on regional water budgets over China | Yin Z., Wang H. X., Ottlé C.,Zhou F., Guimberteau M., Polcher J., Peng S. S., Piao L. S., Li L., Bo Y., Chen L. X., Zhou D. X., Kim H. and Ciais P., 2020. | Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems |
Tropical forests did not recover from the strong 2015–2016 El Niño event |
Wigneron J.P., Fan L., Ciais P., Bastos A., Brandt M., Chave J., Saatchi S., Baccini A., Fensholt R., 2020. |
Sciences Advances, Vol. 6, no.6. |
Sources of uncertainty in regional and global terrestrial CO2 exchange estimates | Bastos A., O'Sullivan M., Ciais P., Makowski D., Sitch S., Friedlingstein P., Chevallier F., et al., 2020. | Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34. |
Carbon and phosphorus allocation in annual plants: an optimal functioning approach | Kvakic M., Tzagkarakis G., Pellerin S., Ciais P., Foll D., Mollier A. and Ringeval B., 2020. | Front Plant Sci. 2020;11:149. |
Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018 | Beillouin D., Schauberger B. Bastas A., Ciais P. and Makowski D., 2020. | Phil. Trans R. Soc. B 375: 20190510. |
Quantitative synthesis of temperature, CO2, rainfall, and adaptation effects on global crop yields |
Makowski D., Marajo-Petitzon E., Durand J.L., Ben-Ari T., 2020. |
European Journal of Agronomy ,Vol. 115, 126041. |
Forecasting severe grape downy mildew attacks using machine learning |
Chen M., Brun F., Raynal M, Makowski D., 2020. |
PLoS One 15(3): e0230254. |
Liu W.,Yang H., Ciais P., Kummu M., Hiekstra Y.A., 2020. |
Earth's Future, Vol. 8, Issue 3. |
Increased control of vegetation on global terrestrial energy fluxes |
Forzieri G., Miralles G.D., Cescatti A., 2020. |
Nature Climate Change |
Naipal V., Lauerwald R., Ciais P., Guenet B., Wang Y., 2020. |
Geosci. Model Dev. 13, 1201-1222. |
Zhou F., Bo Y., Ciais P., Dumas P. et al., 2020. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. |
Mapping the yields of lignocellulosic bioenergy crops from observations at the global scale | Li W., Ciais P., Stehfest E., Vuueren (van) D., Popp A., Arneth A., Di Fulvio F., Doelman J, Humpenöder F., Harper B. A., Park T., Makowski D., Havlik P., Obersteiner M., Wang J., Krause A., Liu W., 2020. | Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 789–804. |
Analyzing uncertainty in critical nitrogen dilution curves | Makowski D.,Zhao B., Ata-Ul-Karim T. S., Lemaire G., 2020. | European Journal of Agronomy, Vol. 118. |
The global cropland-sparing potential of high-yield farming | Folberth C., Khabarov N., Balkovic J. et al., 2020. | Nat. Sustain 3, 281-289. |
Warming-induced unprecedented high-elevation forest growth over the monsoonal Tibetan Plateau | Chunming Shi and al, 2020. | Environ. Res. Lett. 15 054011. |
European anthropogenic AFOLU greenhouse gas emissions: a review and benchmark data | Petrescu R., Peters G., Janssens-Maenhout G., Ciais P., Tubiello F., Grassi G. et al., 2020. | Earth System Science Data, 12 (2), 961-1001. |
High spatiotemporal resolution mapping of global urban change from 1985 to 2015 | Liu X, Huang Y., Xu X., Li X., Li X., Ciais P., Lin P., Gong K., Ziegler D. A., Chen A., Gong P., Chen J., Hu G., Chen Y., Wang S., Wu Q., Huang K., Estes L., Zeng Z., 2020. | Nat. Sustain |
[Supplementary information for] High spatiotemporal resolution mapping of global urban change from 1985 to 2015 | Liu X, Huang Y., Xu X. et al., 2020. | |
Analyzing uncertainty in critical nitrogen dilution curves | Makowski D.,Zhao B., Ata-Ul-Karim T. S., Lemaire G., 2020. | European Journal of Agronomy, Vol. 118, 126076. |
Temporal trade-off between gymnosperm resistance and resilience increases forest sensitivity to extreme drought | Li X., Piao S., Wang K., Wang T., Ciais P., Chen A., Lian X., Peng S., Peñuelas J., 2020. | Nat Ecol Evol 4, 1075–1083. |
Modeling the impacts of diffuse light fraction on photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE (v5453) land surface model | Zhang Y., Bastas A., Maignan F., Goll D., Boucher O. et al., 2020. | Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. |
Carbon benefits from forest transitions promoting biomass expansions and thickening | Kauppi E. P., Ciais P., Högberg P., Nordin A., Lappi J., Lundmark T. and Wernick K. I., 2020. | Glob Change Biol. 26:5365–5370. |
Productive Capacity of Biodiversity: Crop Diversity and Permanent Grasslands in Northwestern France | Bareille F., Dupraz P., 2020 | Environ Resource Econ 77, 365–399. |
Going beyond mean effect size: Presenting prediction intervals for on-farm network trial analyses | Laurent A., Miguez F.E., Kyveryga P.M., Makowski D. 2020. | European Journal of Agronomy 120:126127. |
Feedbacks of soil properties on vegetation during the Green Sahara period | Chen W., Ciais P., Ducharne A., Viovy N., Qiu C. and Huang C., 2020. | Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 240, 106389. |
Assessing the impact of increased legume production in Europe on global agricultural emissions | Prudhomme, R., Brunelle, T., Dumas, P., Le Moing, A., Zhang, X., 2020. | Regional Environmental Change 20, no.91 |
Interactive web‐based data visualization and analysis tool for synthetizing on‐farm research networks data | Laurent A., Lyu X., Kyveryga P.M., Makowski D., Hofmann H., Miguez F.E. 2020. | Research Synthesis Methods, 1-12. |
The COVID-19 lockdowns: a window into the Earth System | Diffenbaugh, N.S., Field, C.B., Appel, E.A. and al, 2020. | Nat Rev Earth Environ 1, 470–481. |
Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France | Jayet, P., Isbasoiu, A. & De Cara, S., 2020. | Rev Agric Food Environ Stud |
Combining mitigation strategies to increase co-benefits for biodiversity and food security. Environmental Research Letters | Prudhomme R., De Palma A., Dumas P., Gonzalez R., Leadley P. , Levrel H., Purvis A., Brunelle T., 2020. | Environmental Research Letters |
How simulations of the land carbon sink are biased by ignoring fluvial carbon transfers: a case study for the Amazon basin | Lauerwald R., Regnier P., Guenet B., Friedlingstein P. and Ciais P., 2020. | One Earth, 3 (2), 226-236. |
Food security under high bioenergy demand toward long-term climate goals. Climatic Change | Hasegawa, T., Sands, R.D., Brunelle, T. et al., 2020. | Climatic Change |
A lexicographic-based two-stage algorithm for vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup–delivery and time window | Shi Y., Zhou Y., Boudouh T., Grunder O., 2020. | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 95. |
Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage? | Guenet, B., Gabrielle, B., Chenu, C., Arrouays, D., Balesdent, J. et al. (2020). | Global Change Biology |
Sensitivity of gross primary productivity to climatic drivers during the summer drought of 2018 in Europe | Fu. Z, Ciais P., Bastos A., Stoy P. C. et al., 2020. | Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 375: 20190747. |
Temperatures, Heterogeneous Exporters and Aggregate Trade | Clément Nedoncelle., 2020. | Conférence annuelle de la FAERE 2020, Université de Grenoble Alpes; Inrae - UMR GAEL; Grenoble INP; Faculté d'Economie - Université de Grenoble Alpes, |
A comprehensive quantification of global nitroux oxide sources and sinks | Tian H., Xu R., Canadell J.G. and al., 2020. | Nature 586, 248–256. |
Editorial of the special issue "Evidence synthesis in agronomy" | Makowski D., 2020. | European Journal of Agronomy, Vol. 122, 126183. |
Reducing uncertainties of future global soil carbon responses to climate and land use change with emergent constraints | Xu, W., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Guenet, B., Viovy, N., Ito, A. and al., 2020. | Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34. |
Global phosphorus losses from croplands under future precipitation scenarios | Liu W., Ciais P., Liu X., Yang H., Hoekstra Y. A., Tang Q., Wang W., Li X. and Cheng L., 2020. | Environ. Sci. Technol. |
Toward a global-scale soil climate mitigation strategy | Amelung W., Bossio D., de Vries W., Kögel-Knabner I., Lehmann J. et al., 2020. | Communications 11, Article number: 5427. |
Future impacts of climate change on inland Ramsar wetlands | Xi Y., Peng S., Ciais P. and Chen Y., 2020. | Nature Climate Change 11, 45-51. |
Ensemble modelling, uncertainty and robust predictions of organic carbon in long‐term bare‐fallow soils | Farina R., Sándor R., Abdalla M., Álvaro‐Fuentes J., Bechini L. et al., 2020. | Glob. Chang. Biol. |
Soil carbon sequestration simulated in CMIP6-LUMIP models: implications for climatic mitigation | Ito A., Hajima T., Lawrence M. D., Brovkin V., Delire C., Guenet B., Jones D. C., Malyshev S., Materia S., McDermid P. S., Peano D., Pongratz J., Robertson E., Shevliakova E., Vuichard N., Warlind D., Wiltshire A. and ZIehn T., 2020. | Environ. Res. Lett |
Decadal Variability in Land Carbon Sink Efficiency Reveals Apparent Trend Reversal After 2009 | Zhu L., Ciais P., Bastos A., Ballantyne P. A., Chevallier F., Gasser T., Kondo M., Pongratz J., Rödenbeck C., Li W., 2020. | Research Square |
Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting | Isbasoiu, A., Jayet, PA. and De Cara, S., 2020. | Environ Econ Policy Stud |
A relative robust optimization for a vehicle routing problem with time-window and synchronized visits considering greenhouse gas emissions | Shi Y., Zhou Y., Ye W., Zhao Q. Q., 2020. | Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 275. |
Assessing whether the best land is cultivated first: A quantile analysis | Brunelle T. and Makowski D., 2020. | PLoS ONE 15(12): e0242222 |
Once a quality-food consumer, always a quality-food consumer? Consumption patterns of organic, label rouge, and geographical indications in French scanner data | Lambotte M., De Cara S. and Bellassen V., 2020. | Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, Springer. |
2021 |
Climate warming from managed grasslands cancels the cooling effect of carbon sinks in sparsely grazed and natural grasslands | Chang J., Ciais P., Gasser T., Smith P., Herrero M., Havlik P., Obersteiner M., Guenet B., Goll D. S., Li W., Naipal V., Peng S., Qiu C., Tian H., Viovy N., Yue C. and Zhu D., 2021. | Nature Communication 12:118. |
Historical and future contributions of inland waters to the Congo Basin carbon balance | Hastie A., Lauerwald R., Ciais P., Papa F. and Regnier P., 2021. | ESD, Volume 12, issue 1 |
The crucial role of domestic and international market-mediated adaptation to climate change | Gouel, C. and Laborde, D., 2021. |
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management |
How much carbon can be added to soil by sorption? | Abramoff, R.Z., Georgiou, K., Guenet, B. et al. | Biogeochemistry 152, 127–142. |
A global dataset for crop production under conventional tillage and no tillage systems | Su Y., Gabrielle B. and Makowski D., 2021. | Scientific Data 8, 33. |
Does the critical N dilution curve for maize crop vary across genotype x environment x management scenarios? - a Bayesian analysis | Ciampitti. I. A., Fernandez J., Tamagno S., Zhao B., Lemaire G. and Makoswki D., 2021. | European Journal of Agronomy, Vol. 123, 126202. |
Feasibility of the 4 per 1000 aspirational target for soil carbon. A case study for France. | Martin P. M., Dimassi B., Dobarco R. M., Guenet B. et al., 2021. | Global Change Biology |
High probability of yield gain through conservation agriculture in dry regions for major staple crops | Su Y., Gabrielle B., Beillouin D. and al., 2021. | Sci Rep 11, 3344. |
Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield | Wang, X., Müller, C., Elliot, J. et al., 2021. | Nature Communications 12, 1235. |
Bamière L., Jayet P-A., Kahindo S., and Martin E., 2021 | Agricultural Economics | |
Data science pour l’agriculture et l’environnement - Méthodes et applications avec R et Python | Makowski D. (coord.), Brun F., Doutart E., Duyme F., El Jabri M., Fauvel K., Legris M., Philibert A., Piraux F., Termier A., 2021. | Ellipses |
Uncovering the Past and Future Climate Drivers of Wheat Yield Shocks in Europe With Machine Learning |
Zhu, P., Abramoff, R., Makowski, D., & Ciais, P. (2021). |
Earth's Future, 9, e2020EF001815. |
Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitoring Green Waste Compost and Manure Amendments in Temperate Cropland | Dodin, M., Smith, H.D., Levavasseur, F., Hadjar, D., Houot, S., Vaudour, E., 2021. | Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Vegetation |
Spatial distribution and driving factors determining local food and feed self-sufficiency in the eastern regions of China | Li Y., Sun Z., Accatino F., 2021 | Food and Energy Security |
Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies. | Bareille, F., Zavalloni, M., Raggi, M. et al., 2021. | Environ Resource Econ 79, 323–356. |
Spatially explicit analysis identifies significant potential for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in China | Xing, X., Wang, R., Bauer, N. et al., 2021. | Nat Commun 12, 3159. |
Positive but variable effects of crop diversification on biodiversity and ecosystem services |
Beillouin D., Ben-Ari T., Malézieux E., Seufert V., Makowski D., 2021. |
Global Change Biology |
The Key Role of Production Efficiency Changes in Livestock Methane Emission Mitigation |
Chang, J., Peng, S., Yin, Y., Ciais, P., Havlik, P., & Herrero, M. (2021). |
AGU Advances, 2, e2021AV000391. |
Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics | Tanaka K., Boucher O., Ciais P., Johansson J. A. D., Morfeldt J., 2021. | Science Advances |
Petrescu A., McGrath M., Andrew M., Peylin P., et al. 2021. |
Earth System Science Data, 13, 2363–2406, 2021 |
Petrescu A., Qiu C., Ciais P., Thompson R., et al., 2021. |
Earth System Science Data, 13, 2307–2362, 2021 |
Assessing the Sensitivity of Global Maize Price to Regional Productions Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods | Zelingher R., Makowski D. and Brunelle T., 2021. | Front. Sustain. Food Syst. |
Large historical carbon emissions from cultivated northern peatlands | Qiu C., Ciais P., Zhu D., Guenet B. and all, 2020. | Science Advances |
A mixed effect model approach for assessing land-based mitigation in Integrated Assessment Models: a regional perspective | Diniz Oliveira T., Brunelle B., Guenet B., Ciais, P. Leblanc F. and Guivarch C., 2021. | Global Change Biology |
Tradeoff of CO2 and CH4 emissions from global peatlands under water-table drawdown |
Huang, Y., Ciais, P., Luo, Y. et al., 2021. |
Nat. Clim. Chang. 11, 618–622 (2021) |
Spatial Simultaneous Autoregressive Models for Compositional Data: Application to Land Use | Thomas-Agnan C., Laurent, L. Ruiz-Gazen A., Nguyen T-H-A., Chakir, al., 2021. | Advances in Compositional Data Analysis, Springer, 404 p., 2021, 978-3-030-71177-1. |
Potassium limitation of wood productivity: A review of elementary processes and ways forward to modelling illustrated by Eucalyptus plantations | Cornut, I., Le Maire, G., Laclau, J. P., Guillemot, J., Mareschal, L., Nouvellon, Y., & Delpierre, N. (2021). | Forest Ecology and Management, 494, 119275 |
Comparing specialised crop and integrated crop-livestock systems in China with a multi-criteria approach using the emergy method | Li Y., Sun Z., Accatino F., Hang, S., Lv Y., Ouyang, Z., 2021. | Journal of Cleaner Production |
The impact of climate change on the productivity of conservation agriculture |
Su Y., Gabrielle B., Makowski D., 2021 |
Nature Climate Change |
Potential CO2 removal from enhanced weathering by ecosystem responses to powdered rock |
Goll, D.S., Ciais, P., Amann, T. et al., 2021. |
Nat. Geosci. 14, 545–549 |
Yao Y., Ciais P., Viovy N., Li W., Cresto-Aleina F., Yang H., Joetzjer E., Bond-Lamberty B., 2021. |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 35, Issue 8 |
Bruni E., Guenet B., Huang Y., Clivot H., Virto I., Farina F., Kätterer T, Ciais P., Martin M. and C. Chenu, 2021. |
Biogeosciences Discuss |
Robustness to import decline of three types of European farming systems assessed with a dynamic nitrogen flow model. Under review for publication in Agricultural Systems | Pinsard, C., Martin, S., Léger, F. and Accatino, F., 2021. | Agricultural Systems |
Assessing the representation of the Australian carbon cycle in global vegetation models |
Lina Teckentrup and al. |
Biogeosciences, 18, 5639–5668, 2021 |
Global mapping of crop-specific emission factors highlights hotspots of nitrous oxide mitigation |
Cui, X., Zhou, F., Ciais, P. et al. |
Nat Food 2, 886–893 (2021) |
Lázaro, E., Makowski, D. & Vicent, A, 2021. |
Commun Earth Environ 2, 224 |
Predicting hotspots for invasive species introduction in Europe |
Schneider K., et al., 2021. |
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 114026 |
Revisiting the critical nitrogen dilution curve for tall fescue: A quantitative synthesis |
Fernandez J.A., Lemaire G., Gilles Bélanger G., Francois Gastal F., Makowski D., Ciampitti I.A, 2021. |
European Journal of Agronomy 131, 126380. |
Li, Y., Sun, Z., Accatino, F., 2021 |
Science of the Total Environment |
Rice yield stability compared to major food crops in West Africa |
Mathilde Duvallet et al., 2021. |
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 124005 |
Xu R., Tian H., Pan N., Thompson L. R., and al., 2021. |
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 48, Issue 23 |
Global cooling induced by biophysical effects of bioenergy crop cultivation |
Wang, J., Li, W., Ciais, P. et al. , 2021. |
Nat Commun 12, 7255 |
Shi, Y., Pinsard, C., Accatino, F., 2021 |
Regional Environmental Change |
Uncovering the critical soil moisture thresholds of plant water stress for European ecosystems |
Fu Z., Ciais P., Makowski D., et al. |
Global Change Biology. Mar2022, Vol. 28 Issue 6, p2111-2123 |
Global patterns and drivers of soil total phosphorus concentration |
He X., Augusto L., Goll D. and al. |
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 5831–5846, 2021 |
Global Water Scarcity Assessment Incorporating Green Water in Crop Production |
Liu W., Liu X., Yang H., Ciais P., and Wada Y., 2021. |
Water Resources Research, 58, e2020WR028570 |
2022 |
A strong mitigation scenario maintains climate neutrality of northern peatlands |
Qiu C., Ciais P., Zhu D., et al., 2022. |
One Earth, Vol. 5, Issue 1, p86-97, 2022. |
Schauberger, B., Kato, H., Kato, T. et al. |
Sci Data 9, 38 (2022) |
Su Y., Zhang H., Gabrielle B. and Makowski D., 2022. |
Front. Environ. Sci. 10:812648 |
Bruni E., Guenet B., Clivot H., Kätterer T., Martin M., Virto I. and C. Chenu |
Front. Environ. Sci. 10:812648 |
A global dataset for the projected impacts of climate change on four major crops |
Hasegawa, T., Wakatsuki, H., Ju, H. et al. |
Sci Data 9, 58 (2022) |
Ciais P., Bastos A., Chevallier F. , Lauerwald R., et al. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1289–1316, 2022 |
Atmospheric dryness reduces photosynthesis along a large range of soil water deficits |
Fu, Z., Ciais, P., Prentice, I.C. et al. |
Nat Commun 13, 989 (2022). |
Julia K. Green, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Rose Z. Abramoff, Pierre Gentine, David Makowski, et al. |
Global Change Biology, Wiley, 2022, 28 (9), pp.2940-2955 |
Le Mentec S., Stella P., Najjar G., Kastendeuch P., et al. |
Front. Environ. Sci., 2022. |
The critical benefits of snowpack insulation and snowmelt for winter wheat productivity |
Zhu, P., Kim, T., Jin, Z. et al. |
Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 485–490 (2022) |
Guilpart, N., Iizumi, T. & Makowski, D. 2022. |
Nat Food (2022) |
Bjørnåvold A., David, M., Bohan A. D., Gibert C., Rousselle J-M, Van Passel S., 2022. |
Ecological Economics, Volume 198, 2022, 107440. |
Guillaume T., Makowski D., Libohova Z., Elfouki S., Fontana M., Leifeld J., Bragazza L., Sinaj S., 2022. |
Geoderma. 422, 115937 |
A global dataset to parametrize critical nitrogen dilution curves for major crop species |
Ciampitti, I., van Versendaal, E., Rybecky, J.F. et al. |
Sci Data 9, 277 (2022) |
A scalable method for the estimation of spatial disaggregation models |
Fendrich N. A., Neto H. S. E., et al. |
Computers & Geosciences, 2022 (105161) |
Statistical Analysis of the Weather Impact on Robusta Coffee Yield in Vietnam |
Dinh T. L. A., Aires P. and E. Rahn, 2022. |
Front. Environ. Sci. 10:812648 |
Hui Yang, Philippe Ciais, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Jérôme Chave, Oliver Cartus, et al.. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 2022, 119 (26), pp.108301 |
Jeantet A., Thirel G., Jeliazkov A., Martin P. and J. Tournebize, 2022. |
Front. Environ. Sci. 10:812648 |
Data-driven quantification of nitrogen enrichment impact on Northern Hemisphere plant biomass |
Yongwen Liu et al |
Environ. Res. Lett. 17 074032 (2022) |
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Research priorities for global food security under extreme events |
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Warming reduces global agricultural production by decreasing cropping frequency and yields |
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Interactions between ecosystem services and land use in France: A spatial statistical analysis |
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2023 |
The impact of climate change on agriculture: A repeat-Ricardian analysis |
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2024 |
Investigating and forecasting the impact of crop production shocks on global commodity prices |
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Machine learning based on functional principal component analysis to quantify the effects of the main drivers of wheat yields | Florent Bonneu, David Makowski, Julien Joly and Denis Allard | |
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